Category: Uncategorized
We speak our words of praise in a world that is hellish; we sing our songs of victory in a world where things get messy; we live our joy among people who neither understand nor encourage us. But the content of our lives is God, not humanity. We are not scavenging in the dark alleys…
Hope: 2021
“And God spoke all these words, saying: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:1-3 NKJV The New Year holiday has always been a bit of a mystery to me. How the…
Dad Bod…What The Heck?!?
I recently saw a news story (on Buzzfeed) where women were warm for Chris Pratt’s form as he was sporting a post Star Lord… “Dad Bod”. Now to be sure he is Chris Pratt and well… I also sport the dad bod. Urban Dictionary defines Dad Bod: A male body type that is best described…
The Chief Task in Life
Social Media
Men are set against each other. Women are at each other’s throats. We are taught rivalry from the womb. The world is restless, always spoiling for a fight. No one seems to know how to live in healthy relationships. We persist in turning every community into a sect, every enterprise into a war. We realize,…