Men are set against each other. Women are at each other’s throats. We are taught rivalry from the womb. The world is restless, always spoiling for a fight. No one seems to know how to live in healthy relationships. We persist in turning every community into a sect, every enterprise into a war. We realize, in fugitive moments, that we were made for something different and better—”I’m all for peace”—but there is no confirmation of that realization in our environment, no encouragement of it in our experience. “I’m all for peace; but the minute I tell them so, they go to war!”
-Peterson, Eugene (1980) A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. Downers Grove, IL: InterVaristy Press.
I have been, like many Evangelicals around the world, aware of Eugene Peterson for years through The Message. With the many eulogies following his going home last year I became aware of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. I received the book for Christmas and have been astonished that it was published in 1980, It could just have easily been published today.
I like social media, It has allowed me to reconnect with some old friends, tell lies and war stories and replenish my ever expanding cornucopia of dad jokes. Facebook and Twitter are limited however. 280 characters aren’t enough. Aren’t enough to have a discussion, aren’t enough to debate, aren’t enough for the exchange of ideas… only enough to go to war.
To this end I have created this blog. It is about me, what I think and what I find important. I cannot promise I won’t offend but that’s not my intent. I can promise it will be honest. I invite you to engage, debate and… critique.
Should you decide to troll–”Dawn take you all, and be stone to you” but you are still welcome.
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